Film Review: You’re Next

Last night, I hung out with one of my oldest friends in the book.  Every time we get together, it’s nothing but laughter and non-stop eating. After lounging around in the pool and making s’mores, we decided to end the night like old times, by going to the movies.  When we were younger, we used to always watch scary movies. Trust me, she’s the kind of person you want to watch a horror film with (I’m surprised we have never been kicked out of a theater for excessive talking).

Anyways, after hitting up Del Taco (I know, all class, right?) we made our way to the movies and prepared ourselves for 94 minutes of mindless fun.


You’re Next, starts off like any slasher flick–a couple has sex, they both die and then the main characters are introduced, pretty standard.  It reminded me a lot of The Strangers and Vacancy, especially because of the masks and location.


Initially, when I first saw the trailer, I asked myself, “how did this film get a theatrical release?”

But as the film progressed, it was a lot more clever than expected. Which, I kind of expected since writer, Simon Barrett and director, Adam Wingard both worked on VHS (which is also worth checking out). youre-next-simon-barrett-sharni-vinson-adam-wingard

There were jump scenes, comical elements, and a surprising turn in terms of genre rules (think The Last House on the Left).  Although, I will admit, I was left wanting more. Yes, I rooted for the female lead (Sharni Vinson) but I wanted more character development. Everything was briefly explained and wrapped up but then again, it’s a slasher film, what more could I expect?


You’ll either love it or hate it but if nothing else catches your eye this weekend, give it a shot.


Give-Away Alert: Deluxe 50 Shades of Grey Toy + Sample Products from Spicy Subscriptions

Want to Spice Up Your Life?

We have the perfect solution for you!

Stalking Beauty & Spicy Subscriptions teamed up to offer you the chance to win one of their subscription boxes.

Spicy Subscriptions is a monthly service that packages up romantic goodies for your enjoyment and delivers them to you quickly and quietly.  Their boxes include 1-2 full-size products, 2-4 trial products, and 1-2 flirty gifts for $24.95-$34.95  a month, but we are giving you the opportunity to snatch one up for FREE (!)


1. Like Spicy Subscription’s Facebook Page

2. Click HERE to enter the Give-Away


Good Luck to All!


The Red Badge of Courage: Hello Flo Subscription Care Package

I wish I had Hello Flo’s Gyno Counselor when I got my period for the first time! Life would have been much easier for me.  Instead of thinking that I was going to die, she would have told me that I earned my “Red Badge of Courage”, welcomed me to Gyno Camp, and given me sound advice of what it’s like having aunt flo.

Hello Flo is a new care package delivery service that sends just what you need for that time of the month.  What is great about it is that they will send it to you according to your cycle!  This monthly subscription box comes with tampons, night  time pads, pantiliners, and treats.  They have 3 different price ranges to choose from depending on your flo.


What’s even greater is that they made an empowering commercial targeting young girls having their first period.  Not only is this advertisement promoting girl power, but phrases such as, “It’s like santa for your vag” or “It’s like I’m Joan and their vag is my arc.” makes it witty, comical, and endearing.  The company will also be releasing a First Period Starter Kit in September of 2013 that in addition includes a “Get Ready Guide” for parents and girls, a canvas pouch, and a Feby Kit.

Hip Hip Hooray for Hello Flo’s new service!